Letter for E


An hour before I leave the office, I caught myself glancing out of the glass paved window. Not expecting anything but still hoping, wishing to see the shadow that used to wait outside along the gutter, and patiently sitting on the side of the walkway. On my way to the lift, I almost forgot having my bag checked and eager as I press the close button whenever the door opens on unintended levels that if there’s an express button to the ground, I would have just clicked on it and rushed out of the building because I hate to make you wait. But you’re no longer there. No surprises, No familiar face and No unplanned get away. No long drives around the city with windows rolled down and talks about everything under the sun. Coffees at midnight, take-outs, and music as we park to rest somewhere along the way, those I miss. Shows we have watched together, some things that we’ve shared and done, I do remember. As cars pass by, I think of places we might have gone to, paths we should have crossed and things we could have done. Yet, all those thoughts wouldn’t even matter no more. Things I was still building courage for, I shouldn’t bother. Words long to be heard, I’ll keep to myself. Touch which begets the past will remain unfelt. Lips yearning every desire learned dies from thirst. Eyes blinded by your shadow, wake me from this bane.

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