Grammar of Love: Punctuation


  1. The marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
  2. Rapid or sudden speciation, as suggested by the theory of punctuated equilibrium.
I've been in the line of teaching English as a foreign language for quite awhile, but teaching punctuation has never been my forte. Lately, in one of our team discussions, I've encounter dealing with punctuation in a proof reading activity. It's not even a surprise for me to get an eight out of fifteen. I never really like Grammar, who would? When we talk, we just use our mouth despite of using our head we disregard spellings, grammar and even punctuation. Not unless you're a Grammarian that Grammar is your bread and butter. Well, not for me.
Here's my take on Grammar when entwined with love.
In every sentence, we use COMMA to pause or to breathe in between a long sentence. It’s relatively the same when it comes to LOVE. We use a Comma when we need to have a breather from either an exhausting or overwhelming relationship. It’s the time to rethink what you've said or done in the past. This is when one asks for space from their partners. Same in Grammar, when the comma separates the elements in the sentence and indicates which part of the sentence is a dependent or an independent clause.
Those clauses somehow represent people in a relationship. One is dependent when he/she can’t stand alone or would be in a manner evidently helpless or worthless without the other half. On the contrary, the independent speaks for itself. It has the ability to stand firmly and strongly alone, whatever decision or upshot come to light. It can be complete without anyone’s help.
In every sentence after a comma, the sentence must still end with a Period, Question mark or an Exclamation point, depending on the situation or dialogue. Likewise to every love story:
Period may be a break-up or an end to a relationship. It’s when you had enough. You stop your sentence when you don’t feel like talking. When you think there’s nothing else you want to say. It stops there.
Question Mark implies an unresolved issue, of wanting to know more, of somehow having the “what if’s” and “Why's” in the relationship. This question mark may be a sign of no closure from the relationship. As if leaving both parties questions hanging, by some means of prolonging each other’s company or agony.
An Exclamation Point which exudes an impact or a big change in a relationship which can either make or break the bond depending on how it’s been used. If sweet words were to use and ends in an exclamation point such as: “I love you”, “I miss you”, “I need you”, or so on. Needless to say, it may somehow turn the table of a period. Nevertheless, if this punctuation is to be used in dire language, need not to say that one will break while the other bare shamelessly.
Though the few punctuation beforehand emanate not your Disney happy ending expectations and doesn't satisfy your media bias beliefs at all; there’s still some few punctuation left. Don’t lose hope!
We use the Dash or hyphen for two words to come together, such as: Numbers and etc. I've seen in an article that a hyphen can change the meaning of a sentence. It’s no different with people in love. Hyphen is like marriage. It bands together two hearts as one and one will be privileged to use the other’s last name next to her maiden name by the use of a hyphen, though through the evolution of man, these days, those ties are slashed by separation; despite the fact that my country doesn't legalize it. All the same, we have Divorce, annulment and separation where in, it’s inevitable.
Semicolon is to link two independent clause that either has contradicting statements or closely related ideas in a single sentence. In a more human sense, a semicolon happens in a relationship when two people who are, to some extent, different. May it be in the stature in life, personality, or Social and Religious preferences. When two poles of a magnet finally unites. If you think about it, A semicolon relationship would be for those wild hearts tamed by one another. Oh! the hopeless romantic side of me.
Well, that's it for now.. I'll explain next time I feel the urge to write ;)

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